Ever wondered what drives my love for photography? Let me take you behind the scenes of my journey.

From a young age, I've been fortunate enough to embark on countless adventures with my family, exploring breathtaking destinations around the globe. Armed with a digital camera gifted to me on my birthday, I eagerly captured every moment, even if my skills were still budding.

But it wasn't until I acquired my first Canon DSLR camera that my passion truly ignited. Suddenly, snapping photos on vacation became more than just a hobby; it became a quest to encapsulate beauty in every frame. With each click, I strived for perfection, often finding myself critiquing others' photos, envisioning how I would capture the scene differently.

Since then, I've been consumed by the art of photography, constantly seeking new ways to capture the world around me. Through online tutorials and endless experimentation, I honed my skills, turning a hobby into an obsession. So much so, that I now have dreams (or should I say, nightmares) of leaving my camera behind before embarking on a journey.

With my new professional camera in hand, I've expanded my repertoire to include portraits, interiors, architecture, and nature photography. But that's not all! I've recently found joy in experimenting with still life and product photography. As a photographer, many assume I want to shoot everything, but each genre of photography is entirely different, and I'm now focusing on what truly sparks my interest.

Living in the heart of Rotterdam has only fueled my passion for photography. Surrounded by the vibrant energy of the city and the eclectic mix of architecture, culture, and people, I'm constantly inspired to capture the essence of my surroundings.

So whether you're looking to capture cherished memories or showcase the beauty of your space, let's collaborate and turn your vision into reality! Let's create something extraordinary together!

Claire Louise


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